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Saturday, 3 January 2009


From: Sarah Sanabam and Helena Sanabam
Source: Fr Rex from Sri Lanka


Group of people in the theatre-audience
Group of people in the stadium-spectator
Group of people in the church-faithful
Killing of the father- patricide
Killing of the mother- matricide
Killing of the brother- fratricide
Killing of the sister- sororicide
Killing of the wife- uxoricide
Killing of the husband- viricide
Killer of the infant-infanticide
Killer of a race-genocide
Killer of a man- homicide
One who kills himself- suicide
Killer of insect- insecticide
Killer of parents-parricide
Killer of God-deicide
Killer of a king- regicide
A living organism lives on another- parasite
Bodies, limbs, hands and feet are cut- amputate
A judge gives a punishment- convict
A judge finds no guilt in the man- acquit
Breathing out carbon dioxide- exhale
Taking in oxygen into your lungs- inhale
Bringing forbidden things into a country unlawfully- smuggling
Study of God- theology
Study of wealth- economics
Study of Earth- geology
Study of stars- astronomy
Study of plants- botany
Study of animals- zoology
Study of society- sociology
Study of man- anthropology
A king rules a country – monarchy
People rule the country- democracy
Rich people rule the country- aristocracy
One who believes in one God- monotheist
One who believes in many gods- polytheist
One who does not believe in God- atheist
A place where fish is kept- aquarium
A place where birds are kept- aviary
A child who has lost his parents- orphan
The man who has lost his wife- widower
The name of heart specialist- cardiologist
The name of skin specialist- dermatologist
The name of eye specialist- ophthalmologist
One who has sexual relationship with near kindred- incest
Lover of mankind- philanthropist
Hater of mankind- misanthropist
One who is all powerful- Omnipotent
One who knows everything- Omnicent
One who is everywhere- Omnipresent
The instrument used to see the smallest things- microscope
The instrument used to see things far away- telescope
The instrument used to check our lungs- stethoscope
A baby in the mother’s womb- foetus
Specialist of birds- ornithologist
Specialist of words- etymologist
Specialist of insects- entomologist
One who hates woman- misogamist
One who hates marriage- misogamy

Note: These words will help students and teachers to increase their vocabulary.

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